Czech Through Play

Czech Through Play (online)

We cordially invite you to a playful online school, which takes place every Wednesday on the ZOOM Platform. Wednesday meetings are intended for bilingual children, regardless of Czech level. 

Children aged 4 – 6 years have lesson on Wednesday from 5.30 to 6.15 pm. Price: £8 (£6.40 for 2nd and 3rd child)
Children aged 7 – 11 years have lesson on Wednesday from 6.15 to 7.15 pm. 
Price: £9 (£7.20 for 2nd and 3rd child)

Each semester has its own fairy tale theme. Meetings are full of crafts, games, chat and fun. The playful school is run by teachers Kateřina Osuchová in cooperation with interns (students of pedagogy at universities in the Czech Republic).

It is possible to apply only for one Wednesday or for the whole semester.

If interested, you can sign up via email:


DATES 2024/25
WEDNESDAYS 5.30 pm – 6.15 pm (4 – 6 years)
WEDNESDAYS 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm (7 – 11 years)

1. half-term: 18.9., 25.9., 2.10., 9.10., 16.10.   
2. half-term: 6. 11., 13. 11., 20. 11., 27. 11., 4. 12., 11. 12.
3. half-term: 8. 1., 15. 1., 22. 1., 29. 1., 5. 2., 12. 2.
4. half-term: 26. 2., 5. 3., 12. 3., 19. 3., 26. 3., 2. 4.
5. half-term: 23. 4., 30. 4., 7. 5., 14. 5., 21. 5.
6. half-term: 4. 6., 11. 6., 18. 6., 25. 6., 2. 7., 9. 7.