Drama Enrichment Program in Tufnell Park Primary School 2022/2023
On Fridays children from Tufnell Park Primary School have the opportunity to try something new, something special as a part of the enrichment program. We are more than happy to be part of that program. We deliver cooking sessions and drama lessons. The drama class reflected the primary school curriculum and worked closely with the class teachers to enrich the education. First half-term we focused on the topic light. We had a great discussion about a world without light or with too much light. Children made beautiful shadow puppets and played absolutely fantastic shadow puppets. Second half-term our topic was the river Nile and we created a performance for other classes which was about Santa being on a vaccination in Egypt and clashing with the ancient Gods. Pupils made lovely headbands which represent their characters. The third half-term we used the topic sound and our performance called The sound of the jungle. Children made face masks of the animal and also performed a great jungle dance. Volcanoes and earthquakes were topics for the fourth half-term and we reconstructed the events of Vesuvius eruptions and the disaster of Pompei. We made costumes and props and children performed it on the stage in the big sports hall. Our last topic for a Summer term was “All Around the World”. The fifth half-term we imagined how the aliens would react to different food all around the World and in the last half-term we focused on the animals around the World and their thoughts. Children created a socks puppet, scenarios and they wrote poems. Then we filmed the puppets performing those poems.
With every topic we created scripts and amazing characters. We worked with children from year 3 up to year 5. Our aim was to build up confidence and develop literacy and drama skills through devising workshops and script writing/character and world building. We had very positive feedback from all our students.